Friday, May 24, 2013


We recieved a DVD on "An Introduction to Foster Parenting". We were so excited to watch it, so as soon as Daddy Bear got home from work we stuck it in the DVD player.

FINALLY, after the "hold on I have to go potty" and "let me go get a blanket" and "can I have a snack" comments, we finally hit play. LOL I don't know why this always happens. I mean, you KNOW that we are sitting down to watch a movie or a show and it isn't as if the bathroom is going to close while we are watching the show. Plus, there is this awesome invention of being able to hit the pause button! ;o)

Anyway, back to what I was saying.... the DVD was very informative. I did find it funny that as the director was talking Daddy Bear said, "How funny is it that they are breaking their own rule of not showing the kids' faces". Low and behold, behind the director were 2 collage picture frames with about 40 kids' faces. HA! It was well thought out and had a perfect balance between comic relief and tear jerker moments. There were experienced foster parents, as well as former foster children.

By the end, I had something in both eyes.

It mainly focused on teens and made me look forward to being able to the time when we can take in that age group. For now we will be doing 4 years and younger until our bio kids all get older.

Now to wait until we get to start training. It just can't get here fast enough. However....

You are not just waiting in vain. There is a purpose behind every delay.

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